
Select neighborhoods in Wolf Run watershed are eligible to receive free trees for planting on private property (residential lawns, churches, small businesses, apartments etc…)  The goal is to improve our tree canopy, which will yield water quality, air quality, aesthetic and property value benefits.

Participating neighborhoods include:

  • -Beaumont Park
  • -Cardinal Valley
  • -Gardenside
  • -Hamilton Park
  • -Picadome
  • -Pine Meadow
  • -Southland Park

Each participating neighborhood has identified a “Tree Champion” that can help you sign up. Contact us at the email address below and we will connect you with your neighborhood representative.

What trees are we offering?

Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak
Quercus shumardii  Shumard Oak
Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak
Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffee Tree
Quercus alba  White Oak
 Cladrastis kentukea  Yellowwood Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar

Balled and Burlapped Trees
We are planting larger “balled and burlapped trees, about 1.5 – 2” in diameter above the root flare.  The larger trees will yield better tree canopy coverage sooner.

What if I don’t want a large tree?
We have other programs that distribute free, or low cost shrubs, understory, smaller trees we can direct you to.

When will this happen?
We will be signing up willing property owners in October 2024  Plantings will take place after fall dormancy in late November and December.

What’s the catch…?
The trees are paid for by a grant from L.F.U.C.G. Division of Environmental Services, Urban Forestry Program, so the trees are free to property owners.  The Neighborhood Association may charge a small co-pay to help defray some of their costs administering the program.

We do ask the property owner to:

  • work with tree experts on picking a good site for the tree
  • Make sure there are no underground or over head utilities on the tree planting site. (Call Before You Dig 811)
  • Provide access and a clear path to the planting site for installation contractors
  • Water and mulch the tree for two growing seasons.
  • Communicate with us on how the tree is doing

For more information: Contact:
Wolf Run LexGrow Trees Campaign Coordinator
call eight five nine-nine-four-zero-8-two-3-four