Friends of Wolf Run Inc.
was officially incorporated as a
501(c)3 Non Profit organization
on May 2, 2005.
(Though we have been active in the watershed since 1997)
If you would like to join in the effort, please let us know by completing our interest survey.
Board of Trustees:
- Bruce Hutcheson,President
Athenia Drive (Cardinal Run)
- Lisa Collins, Vice President
Springs Branch, Harrodsburg Rd.
- Suzette Walling, Secretary
Clairmont Drive, (Springs Branch)
- Ken Cooke, Treasurer
Cardinal Lane (Springs Branch)
- Karen Pettinger Fawcett, Immediate Past President,
Longview Drive, (Hill-N-Dale Kids Creek)
Science Advisory:
Technical professionals that consult with Friends of Wolf Run on various projects, research and planning.
- Jean Watts, Science Advisory Chair, Wetland Ecology
- Jannine Baker, Native Plant Specialist
- Dr. Julian Campbell, Science Advisor, Botonist,
- Tricia Coakley, Science Advisor, Microbiologist, Laboratory Manager
- Margaret Shanks, Science Advisor* Southland Area Retired KYDOW Soil Scientist
- Will Overbeck, Science Advisor, Plant Ecologist
- Russ Turpin, Science Advisor,Landscape, Rain Gardens, Bioengineering
- Tracy Knowles, Science Advisor, Environmental Chemist, BCTC
- Terry Foody, Community Health Impact Project, Public Health Issues
- Dr. John Poundstone, Community Health Impact Project, Public Health
- Dr. Amanda Gumbert, Science Advisor, Stream Buffer Restoration
- Dr. Carmen Argouridis, Science Advisor, Stream Restoration
- Dr. David Price, Water Quality Monitoring’/Field Equipment
- Scott Southhall, Landscape Archetect, Stormwater Systems
Restoration Contractors:
- Julian Campbell, Bluegrass Woodlands Trust
- Russ Turpin, Eco Gro
- Gary Libby, Skybax Ecological Restoration Projects Contractor
- Will Overbeck, Native Plant Specialist.
- David Leachman, Leachman Landscape Design, Restoration Project Contractor
- Nachie Leandro Braga, Geomancer Permaculture, Stream Buffer Food Forest.
Key Restoration Stewards:
- Harold Hays, Key Steward, Port Royal Neighborhood Greenways
- Bud Fiegel, Key Steward WPGL Neighborhood Greenways
- Linda Bradford, Key Steward, Bob-O-Link Drive Greenways
- Paula Singer, SWMBO, Versailles Road Project Area
- Layton Register, Key Steward, Clay’s Mill Greenway
- Sandy Schafer, Key Steward,, Lafayette Southbend Area
- Karen Holmes-Hudson, Key Steward, Elam Park
- Julie Marfell, Key Steward, Pine Meadow area
- Christy Cartner, Southland Park Neighborhood, Springs Branch Area
- Jerome Higginbotham, Key Steward, Deauville Drive Greenway
- Lanna M. Button, Key Steward, Wolf Run Park, Della Drive
- Linda Bradford, Owner, Elm Fork Greenway
- Lisa Coletti, Key Steward, Cross Keys Park
- Dave Sevigney, Key Steward, Tobit’s Trace Trail and Spring Garden.
- Paula Sumner, Elm Fork Biotechnology Lab
- Kristene Goggin, Key Steward, Gardenside Park Neighborhood
- Gail Lightner, Hill-N-Dale Park
- Eric Speigle, Key Steward Eastway Wetland
- Adonya Boyle, Key Steward, Valley Park
- Jerry Wisenfluh, Key Steward, Colony Neighborhood Project, Preston’s Cave Spring
Water Quality Monitoring Team:
Volunteers certified by the Kentucky Division of Water as “Supervising Samplers” in cooperation with Kentucky River Watershed Watch
- Bob Edwards, Past President, Pollutant Source Tracking Task Force Chair* Gardenside Area
- Curtis Jones, Pollution Source Tracking Task Force, Supervising Sampler, Past VP
- Lisa Collins, Supervising Sampler Gardenside Branch
- Wendy Havens, Wolf Run, Roanoke Drive
- Brandon Bell, Roanoke Drive Area
- Jerry Davis, Roanoke Drive Area
- Mark Felice, Vaughn’s Branch, Spring Hill Drive area.
- John Dempsey, Lafayette Parkway Area
- Robert Garnham, Old Frankfort Pike Area
- Keith Harding, McConnell Springs Area
- Bethany Overfield, Upper Wolf Run Area
- Tricia Coakley, Upper Wolf Run area
- Kevin Hutcheson, Herpitology Studies
- Bruce Hutcheson, Sampler, Technologist
- Debra Anglin, Cardinal Valley, Wolf Run
- Jerry Weisenfluh, Wildcat Chase
- Karen Pettinger-Fawcett, Southland Area
- Jake Fawcett, Southland Area
- Suzette Walling, Hill-N-Dale Neighborhood
- Tom Notvisky, Gardenside Branch
Agency Contacts:
- Melissa McCallaster, Kentucky River Authority
- Demetria Mehlhorn, Division of Environmetnal Services, 319h Grant Administrator
- Daniel Bishop, Kentucky Division of Water, 319h Grant Administrator
- Frank Mabson, LFUCG Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Incentive Grants
- Lindsie Nicholas, LFUCG Division of Water Quailty, Stream Buffer Restoration Project
- Chris Cooperrider, LFUCG Parks, Parks, Wateway/Wetland Restoration Projects
- Michelle Koseniak, LFUCG Parks Planning and New Projects
- Steve Gardner, LFUCG Parks, McConnell Springs Operations
- Heather Wilson, LFUCG Urban Forester, Tree Planting Campaigns
- Amanda Bledsoe, LFUCG Council Member 10th District
- Jennifer Reynolds, LFUCG Council Member 11th District
- Hannah LeGris, LFUCG Council Member 3rd District
How we are organized We are an all volunteer organization. (We have no paid staff other than contractors carrying out specific projects)
Membership in Friends of Wolf Run is open to any individual with an interest in the watershed. There are no dues for membership. The only requirement is that you provide your contact information to the secretary of the organization so you can receive notices of meetings and events.
The Board of Trustees is formed from the executive officers elected by the membership at our annual meeting.
By-laws of Friends of Wolf Run Adopted May 18, 2005
Friends of Wolf Run is funded through various grants and project awards that have included funding from the Kentucky River Authority, LFUCG, US EPA, The Kentucky Division of Water, Private Foundations such as Kentucky American Water, Toyota Together Green, Audubon Society,
The Friends of Wolf Run policies are guided by the Wolf Run Watershed Council consisting of representative individuals and groups working to improve the watershed. The Wolf Run Watershed Council advises the organization’s Board of Trustees on carrying out the Wolf Run Watershed Management Plan along with policy and action items. For more information on the Wolf Run Watershed Management Plan, visit this link.

Friends of Wolf Run Receive Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission’s 2006 Earth Day Award
Pictured right to left: Ryan Slack, Vice President, Lyndell Ormsbee, EQC Chair, Bob Edwards, 2005 President, Frances Stokes, Treasurer, Judy Mahaffy, Public Affairs Director, Ken Cooke, Secretary.
Below: 2006-2007 President Lisa Collins (Second from right) receives
Lexington Environmental Commission Award for Friends Of Wolf Run

Below 2011 Planning Team 