In Defense of North Fork of Vaughn’s Branch
1. Our Goal:
To have the open channel portions of the waterway/drainage passing through Press Ave and Simpson Ave we call North Fork of Vaughn’s Branch recognized by LFUCG as a “stream” as per the definitions found in LFUCG’s Stormwater Design Manual in order to obtain the setbacks and protections found in Chapter 1 of that document to preserve green space, prevent habitat loss, and damage to private property and public infrastructure from additional flooding, increased discharge velocities and stormwater volumes downstream.
2. Historic Analysis:
a) Pre Development Maps showing perennial stream

b) Watershed size and drainage (2011 UK Study)

3. Infill-redevelopment activity we are trying to guide with this effort:
a)Construction Debris Fill operation at 1108 South Broadway (Reported April 2018)

Development plan currently under consideration to bury a 300 foot section in a culvert:
b)Lynn Grove Phase III Apartment Complex proposed for Simpson Ave Retention Basin

c) Potential future development in Press Ave/Transcript Drive area.
3. Flood prone areas not reflected on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or Flood Hazard Maps. (Study area ends where stream enters culvert at parking lot)
Requests from Friends of Wolf Run
- That the waterway be recognized as a “Stream” by LFUCG with applicable setbacks and protections as outlined in their stormwater design manuals.
- That the FEMA FIRM Maps be updated/corrected to recognize the flood hazards that exist along the waterway.
- That the greenspace/open channels be preserved and managed as a neighborhood amenity and water quality feature.
- or, if development is allowed to proceed burying these streams that appropriate in lieu mitigation is performed in the catchment affected by loss of greenspace, loss of floodwater storage and loss of aquatic habitat. (Picidome Park Stream restoration should be eligable for funding)